Here are some shots from last weekend's Oktoberfest, one of my favorite days of the year. You can see the Alphorn being played, bell ringers, and dancers. What you can't see is all of the delicious food I ate.
Here are some photos from when we (Kristy, Karen, and I) set up our installation in the Shepherd Faculty Art show. I did the sound design, which, unfortunately, doesn't come through on here.
I'm working on a mosaic on the top of my porch table. The plan is to make it look like an illuminated manuscript from a Medieval "Gloria." I haven't put any grout in so the staves and notes don't pop out yet. Next comes the big colorful G in the upper left corner.
Here is a photo of one of the many Naked Ladies that popped up in my backyard (I put the bulbs in earlier this year). And here's a shot of Camden Yards from when I went to see the Indians play the Orioles.