Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Funky Clavi

By a strange twist of fate, I bought a clavichord yesterday. A neighbor who is moving invited me over to look at some old piano music she wanted to get rid of, and while I was there she mentioned she also had a piano and a clavichord for sale. It was a great price, so I bought it. The clavichord is a precursory instrument to the piano and was popular in the Renaissance, Baroque, and classical eras, but gave way to the more versatile piano. It is similar to the harpsichord and virginal. Sound is produced by striking the strings with metal tangents and it is a very quiet instrument intended for chamber music.


Medcalf Crew said...

Only you. Only you would just happen to know someone who has a clavichord. For sale. At a good price. Only you would know what a good price is for a funky clavi. Only you would be able to give a description worthy of Wikipedia.

ad said...

DISCLAIMER **There was no use of wikipedia in the making of that blog** But thanks for the note - I kind of went to school for that sort of thing.

harmonicbarbie said...

The clavichord looks in great shape. Do you know who the maker was?