Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dirty Projectors

Kristy Ch. and I went to see the Dirty Projectors at the 9:30 this past week. First of all, it was great to get into the city. Second, we had just opened an art show hours earlier - with Karen G. the three of us make up collabAttack. And third, the Dirty Projectors blew my mind.

Opening for them was Owen Pallett - formerly Final Fantasy. He was great. It takes a brilliant mind to come up with looping music that works to well.

Then the DPs - I was blown away. Their drummer played the set harder than I've every seen anyone do it. I really thought he was going to break the drums and cymbals at times. It was awesome.
The singers were dead on, and they did things I didn't think were possible. They must all have perfect pitch, because their cold starts on quartal harmonies were unbelievable. And then their trademark hocketing was wild. For a great example, listen to "Remade Horizon." The first part of the vocal hocket begins at 2:37.

I saw it happen. It is humanly possible. And then there is Dave Longstreth, who is a madman and a genius. I can't wait to get more of their music and see them again.
Here's a photo from the show. We were maybe thirty feet from them, although this photo makes it look farther.

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