For a long time now I've wanted to visit the Pradhapada's Palace (aka the Golden Palace) in New Vrindaban, WV. Since I was telling stories at Oglebay this past weekend I made the trek to the Palace - wow, is it ever worth it. The palace has some 30 or so different types of marble, there is incredible moulding and gold leaf, and you can hear the meowing of peacocks from down near the temple. Photography is prohibited inside the temple, which is where the really astonishing beauty is, so look online for photos inside. There is also an award-winning rose garden, a lake, many statues, and a learning center (an Indian woman who spoke maybe ten English words was able to convince use to come back inside to watch a life story video of the Krishna). There wasn't enough time to visit the restaurant or the lodge, but I would have liked to eat there. This was truly one of the most spectacular places I've been to in my life.