Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Garlic and Berries

I could wait no longer - - and dug up some garlic from the garden. Perhaps I dug these heads up just a bit too soon...they are formed but a tad small. The garlic I dug up today was larger and they have all been delicious. Also, I went foraging for berries today. I picked a quart and used half of them for a custard pie I made with a golden oreo crust. It was quite tasty. Here you see the other half, some of which will go into the rumtopf.


Medcalf Crew said...

Tie well formed but small garlic to 8 inch stakes and place them around the yard. I am told that this is a chemical-free, all-natural zombie repellant.

MariahSmile said...

Yum! Bring me home some :)