Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Lesson for the Future

I'm pretty proud that I've been able to make some significant changes in my life the past few years. I cut out trans fats and artificial sweeteners, I only purchase meat from the local butcher who serves locally raised pastured meat, I'm learning to grow vegetables, I took most of the plastic out of my home, and so on. But there are always lessons to learn. Here's the lesson I learned today - when you over-winter vegetables in a cold-cellar or root-cellar, don't forget to check to make sure you've used them all when the winter is over. Recently I've been feeling sick in my home as if I had a cat or lots of fresh flowers inside (neither of which apply). Then I began smelling a musty smell and no matter how much I cleaned everything it persisted and has - imagine this - gotten stronger in the midst of this heat wave. I found the solution - two acorn squash and a pumpkin, stored under the stairs, now rotting and growing a lovely culture of their own (to my sister - this is not like kombucha). I'm in the process of cleaning EVERYTHING out from under the stairs which is now covered in a red liquid, mold, or the psychological invisible coating of something dangerous (thanks Mom). More later.


MariahSmile said...

Oh my! I hope you are wearing a mask! Don't breathe in that mold!!!

Medcalf Crew said...

Now this is a cliffhanger...